MiftahBudi14 - ini step by step buat masang 3 OS di satu komputer biasa/non apple,
jadi langsung aje ye,
Spoiler: alat-alat :
NAH! ini yang paling krusial,
kalian harus mastiin hardware yang kalian punya cocok dengan distro MAC yang akan kalian pasang, cek di mari
Setelah nemu yang work coba donlot DI MARI atau Beli di Mari
Spoiler: langkah pertama dan paling penting :
-Backup data
-Backup data
-Backup data
abis itu Check BIOS settings and ubah nilai jadi kayak gini :
Code: (Select All)
Execute Disable bit: Enable
XD: Enable
Limit CPUID Max: Disable
HPET: Enable
HDD controller : AHCI
(sayang sekali kalian harus mengikhlaskan OS yang telah terpasang karena setelah ganti mode kemungkinan enggak bisa diboot lagi)
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kita siapin dulu kamar-kamar buat ketiga OS di hard disk,
saran ane sih bantai semua partisi supaya enak ngaturnya,
buat kamar kira2 kayak gini pake gparted :
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Spoiler: keterangan gambar :
[-] partition table : MBR (kalau kalian mau GPT juga boleh, bagus malah, tp MBR aja

[-] partisi 1 (/dev/sda1) :
buat MAC
primary partition
file system = HFS+
size = minimal 10GB
[-] partisi 2 :
buat S3V3N
primary partition
file system = ntfs
size = minimal 10GB
[-] partisi 3 :
primary partition
file system = extended*
size = sisanya
[-] partisi 5 :
buat data
logical partition
file system = ntfs
size = sisanya
[-] partisi 6 :
buat swap linux
file system = linux-swap
[-] partisi 4 :
buat Linux
primary partition
file system = ext4
size = minimal 10GB
beda dikit enggak apa2 sih, yang penting partisi buat MAC kita taro di partisi awal, sisanya terserah, LINUX and WINDOS enggak terlalu pilih2 kamar qo

kamar udah jadi!!!
sekarang masukin penghuninya,
saran saya install yang paling rese dulu,
enggak masalah sih, biar enak aja,

jadi urutannya dari yang paling rese MAC >> SE7EN >> UBUNTU
Code: (Select All)
-burn iso yang kalian donlot
-boot lewat DVD hasil burn atau yang kalian beli :top:
-tunggu ampe menu installer nongol kemudian pilih partisi HFS+ yang udah kita siapin
-pilih Customize** buat install aplikasi tambahan/driver tp kalo binun biar default ja dulu, jadi langsung next2 ja,
-INSTALL dan tunggu,
kalau sukses kalian bakal lihat tampilan ala MAC yang cute and manis

abis itu....
Code: (Select All)
biasa lah...
pasang di partisi yg udah disiapin
Code: (Select All)
biasa lah...
pasang di partisi yg udah disiapin
setelah kalian install linux biasanya bootloader bawaan ubuntu, sang GRUB yang sangat canggih (lebay) udah mampu ngedetek loader OS laen (MAC/WINDOS) makanya ane nyaranin kalian install linux terahir, karena saya ingin meringankan beban di pundak kalian (lebay

sampe di sini kalian udah resmi punya 3 OS!!

Spoiler: keterangan :
Quote:*"extended partition" adalah primary partition yang dapat memuat banyak logical partition. kita bisa mecah "extended partition" jadi banyak partition lagi.
** Customize:
This is the most important part of the installation. List of selections..
There is already a basic default profile chosen. You should add only device drivers for your hardware setup at first trials of your OSX86 installing adventure if you are a newbie, then you may try adding other packages to find out the best combination for your PC. Adding a few packages to default profile will probably be enough for most computers.
Please read the descriptions of the packages carefully.
Basics you should know:
- Do not select more than one item for one operation. ie. graphic cards or bootloaders. Only select one bootloader, one enabler method for your graphic card, one method for your sound card, etc..
- "Graphics Enabler" option of the bootloader should be the first choice for activating the OS X driver for your VGA card.
- You can of course try the drivers or methods to make your hardware components work but, it is better to google it before trying the packages. You can easily find the solution for i.e. nVidia 5xx cards inside the iATKOS L2 by searching on google (select ATY_Init and after install, add your device id.. etc.).
- Most ATI Mobility VGA cards are not compatible with this system and most compatible ATI cards need their custom packages/modifications which is not included in this release. You must search and find the appropriate driver/solution by your own for such ATI hardwares, so do not continuously ask for ATI support on forum.
- You may not be able to have success at first trials, so keep on trying.. If you are complaining about having no success on 3rd install, then install Windows XP.

maaf kalo kurang jelas,
cuma ingin berbagi,
88% kopas dari Xgaptek.co.cc

yang lebih jelas dan penulis yg lebih bagus ada di mac-inul
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Source : PHL
brow link aurora dtaruh dmna tuh?? qk gak ada???
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ReplyDeletenice info sob.
ReplyDeleteJgn lupa kunjungan baliknya
@aris : ada kok gan di http://miftahbudi14.blogspot.com/2012/03/tukeran-link.html
ReplyDelete@Galih : thanks gan..
@dhedi : thanks gan